How-To: Change Float Mid Shift

Change float mid-shift

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Your Memsec7 till records the amount of float in the drawer, a figure which you can alter each time you record a z-read. This is so that you can adjust from day to day the amount of change available at the start of the following shift.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to alter the amount of change in the middle of a shift. If you have to do that, please follow these steps:

  1. Log onto the till with a card or number that has permission to access the Petty Cash function.
  2. Press Menu and then select the ‘Petty Cash’ button
  3. Press ‘Add’ and type in the description ‘Float Increase’
  4. Press on the amount field and using the number pad at the bottom right press the minus sign ‘-‘.
  5. Once you’re sure that the minus sign is shown in the box, enter the amount you’re adding and then press ‘Save’

This will not directly affect the float as saved but it will let the till know that there is more money in the drawer, so that it will know how much to expect when the next z-read is performed. At that point you should alter the float carried forward if the extra money is to remain in the drawer.

You can watch this process here;