MemSec EPoS Till

The MemSec EPoS Till is a highly configurable and richly featured hospitality till system that is so simple to use that it requires little or no user training. It is ideal for cue sports venues where it can be combined with MemSec Table Control to provide complete control.

Changing prices, adding or removing lines, promotions and reporting are also very simply achieved using the MemSec EPoS Stock Management program, which is installed either alongside the till software or on a separate office pc.

For venues with substantial kitchen operations, the MemSec EPoS Kitchen Monitor facilitates communication of food orders between front of house and kitchen, ensuring no orders are lost or forgotten and that waiting staff know as soon as an order is ready.

  • Choice of user logon methods; card swipe, Dallas key, fingerprint pad, proximity sensor or on screen PIN entry, to ensure security
  • WorldPay credit card authorisation can be linked, preventing losses through cross-keying errors (version 6 only).
  • User time logging, to accurately record hours worked
  • Different user levels to control access to voids, till functions etc. for added security
  • Multiple Tariffs and price modes to allow for different customer types on different days/nights or at different times of day
  • Multiple tab types to allow customers to stay longer yet pay just once
  • Food ordering system, to communicate new orders to kitchen staff, reducing errors and saving time
  • Mobile Handsets allow orders to be taken at the table and printed direct to kitchen/bar printers
  • Promotions of all types, with at a glance performance monitoring. Can be run on regular days/times or at specific times such as during live events etc
  • Screen can display adverts when till is not in use, allowing potential additional revenue
  • Popular items available on ‘one-touch’ – selected by you or automatically by sales value/quantity – saving valuable serving time

If the feature you are looking for isn’t listed, don’t worry. It’s highly likely that it is also a part of the MemSec EPoS Till system, but if it is something we’ve not yet included, you can be sure that we’ll do our best to incorporate it for you.

  • Low stock warnings – two levels for each product that you can set to warn you when stock is running low; never run out of anything again!
  • Single button for combinations like Lager & Lime, Vodka & Red Bull, Burger & Fries etc, saving users time yet maintaining accurate stock records
  • Easy ‘one-touch’ selection of tendered bank notes, saving user time and reducing errors
  • Print receipts, kitchen orders and reports to separate printers, even multiple kitchen printers, so getting the information to the people who need it as quickly as possible
  • Have as many or as few lines as you require – never more than 3 steps to locating an item, again reducing customer waiting times
  • Monitor GP ‘live’, giving you immediate feedback on performance
  • Comprehensive void and no-sale reporting helps reduce fraud
  • Discounted and complimentary sales, allowing management discretion with control
  • Easily apply cooking instructions to food items or even drink preparation instructions
  • On-screen prompts for cocktail and other complex recipe items
  • Simple line checking facilitates monitoring of stock and staff
  • Change prices live or schedule changes for future dates, making it easier to manage tariffs
  • For membership based venues such as sports clubs, members can be offered discounted prices on selected items, and recording of customer details against each purchase is possible, to allow targeted marketing
  • Multiple tills in same location can have individual settings
  • Head office control for multiple sites

Below follow The screen shots that demonstrate how stylish and easy to use the MemSec EPoS Till System Really is.

This is the MemSec EPoS Till main screen. The options shown here represent just some of those available. You can see how user-defined categories are displayed on the left hand side, allowing simple navigation to the required items. In addition, the popular items are also user definable, allowing the fastest possible access to your top lines.

Easy to navigate

Simple to configure

Security level adjustable to suit your requirements

Here you can see the user has selected some items, initially from ‘Hot Food’ and then two from the ‘Draught’ category. Though the default size of ‘Pint’ has been selected here, you can see that half pints can be selected simply by pressing that button, then the item. Once all items have been rung in, the user then presses ‘PAY’.

Clear list of items selected so users make fewer mistakes

Sub-total visible to customer (if positioned on rear of bar)

Large buttons with clear text make it easy to find items quickly

By displaying the payment options separately, the MemSec EPoS Till ensures that users are always guided to the next logical step in the sales process, thereby ensuring maximum efficiency with minimum effort. Cash is selected as the default payment method, and buttons are displayed for all notes (£50 optional). Otherwise, users can choose cheque or credit/debit card, and tab, vouchers and cashless card options are also possible if appropriate in your venue.

Clear display with one-touch operation where a note is tended

Choice of payment methods allows for all possibilities

Exact Amount button allows further time saving

By simply pressing the £20 note image the user is offered an instant calculation of the appropriate change, and the cash drawer is opened. Receipts can be automatically printed at this point or, as shown, a button can be displayed to print if required.

Large, clear display maximises ease of use

Change clearly displayed

Receipt printing as required

These pages have shown a simple transaction from start to finish, of the type that will make up the majority of trade in a typical hospitality venue. The ease of use of our system in this type of sale is carried through to every kind of promotion, payment option and product combination imaginable. Why not contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation demonstration?

This four step guide has shown a simple transaction from start to finish, of the type that will make up the majority of trade in a typical hospitality venue. The ease of use of our system in this type of sale is carried through to every kind of promotion, payment option and product combination imaginable. Why not contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation demonstration?