Order & Pay

Order & Pay at the table

For some time now, we’ve offered both waiter tablets for taking orders and integrated card payments from Dojo. We’re now delighted to be able to announce that, working alongside Dojo, we’ve merged the two options to bring you Order & Pay. With a single Android device you can now take orders and payments!

Tap & PIN not Chip & PIN

Order & Pay dispenses with the need to insert the customer’s card into the terminal – they tap as they would for a contactless transaction. If the amount is over the £100 contactless limit, they’re then prompted to type their pin on the device’s touch screen.*

No Printer Required

The built-in printer on a normal Dojo terminal accounts for much of its bulk. With so few customers requiring their card receipts, Order & Pay dispenses with the need for a printer, offering instead the facility to email the receipt.

Range of Devices

Order & Pay can be run on any Android device with an NFC chip (provided it meets security standards and is running Android 10 or later). We are initially supplying either a 6″ phone type device, which will fit comfortably in an apron or pocket, or an 8″ Samsung Galaxy Active tablet that comes with a carry-case and shoulder strap.

For sites with garden or other outside areas, this facility will allow you to serve customers in those areas without worrying they might walk away without paying. We’ve also made some changes to Memsec7 to help you work with this feature. Because our handheld ordering devices always add items to a tab, you now have the option to leave a tab open even if it’s been fully paid for. This will allow your table plan to accurately reflect that the table is still in use, and for sites with loyalty or membership, will allow you to add items to the same tab, for the same customer, but take payment from them without needing to ask for their details again.

* Some cards don’t support Online PIN entry (e.g. Barclaycard Debit cards). Customers can still use these cards with Order & Pay – they’ll be directed to an online payment page instead.