This report has been designed to facilitate the export of sales figures into accounts packages. Before you can use it, you need to configure how items will be grouped for the purposes of this report. This is done in Till>Till Setup>Lists & Groups. Click on ‘Accounts Export Groups’ and then add groups as required. For help with this process, see our help guide on Reporting Groups here, which follows exactly the same process (and is found in the same screen). You should end up with a screen looking something like this, with the list of Unallocated Items empty;
With the groups set up you can run the report. Simply select a date range, then click ‘Generate Report’. You’ll be presented with a breakdown of sales in the date range, with a line for each group and each day of the selected period, even if the sales for that combination are zero. The sales figures are net of VAT and there’s a separate column for the VAT amount, so it’s important to ensure that the VAT rate for each item in your system is correct.
System generated items such as Deposits will also appear in this report even though you don’t need to include them in the group setup process.
This report can be automatically generated at the end of the week and emailed to your choice of recipient(s). To configure this, go to Till>Till Settings and click on ‘Notifications’. There you’ll see options for each of the reports that can be automatically emailed, and this report is the bottom option.
As explained in the captions for each report, you can set multiple email addresses as targets for each report by separating them with a semi-colon (;).