Top Sellers Reports

Reports on who or what have sold most

Accounts Export Report
Net of VAT Sales Breakdown
Banking Report
History of recorded bankings
Cash Drawer Alerts Report
Timings of cash drawer openings
Cash, Card & Cheque Summary Report
Breakdown of takings
Comparisons & Charts Reports
View sales performance over time
Deposit Statement Report
Shows historic deposit position
Discounted & Complimentary Sales Report
Items discounted and reasons
Full Price List
As its name suggests this report simply lists all current sale items and their price
Gift Card Reports
Sales, redemptions and balances on gift cards
GP Reports
This is a powerful suite of reports giving details about gross profit in a selected period.
Group Sales Report
View an overall summary of all shifts in a date range
Live Tab Sales Report
Items added to current tabs in period
Live Tabs Report
Details of all current tabs
Loyalty Discount Report
Breakdown of discounts given to loyalty card holders
Online Ordering Report
Breakdown of online sales
Payment Transactions Report
Report on types of payment taken
Promotions & Price Bands Report
Discounts under promotions or price bands
Refusal Log
List of all refusals to serve
Sale Item Report
This report shows details about selected sale items.
Sales Analysis
Performance broken down by tab type

The top sellers report form provides a number of options for you to build different reports all based around which items have sold best or which clerks have sold most.

Top Sellers Form

As with most reports you start by setting a date range. Next, there’s a choice between reporting on Items or Clerks. This then sets the remaining options accordingly. Item reports will always return a line for each sale item that meets your criteria. Clerk reports return a line per employee.

You can choose how many results to return – the default is to return all matching results but you can select instead to view just the top or bottom n results, where n is the number you enter in the relevant box.

Your next selection is whether to base the results on the value of sales or the quantity. Having made this choice you then have a further selection to set a minimum or maximum value, or indeed to return results where either any or none have been sold.

Your report will be based on the type of item you choose next – Category, Overall or Reporting group. If you select Category, you’ll see a list of categories which you can select from. Each category you tick will appear in the report with a line for each item that qualifies under its heading. If you select Overall, then the category selection box will also provide the option of expanding to show the sale items within each category. If necessary you can select only certain items though as the name suggests this Overall selection should show you the best selling items overall. The third and final option is by Reporting Group, and as with the category selection you’ll see each Reporting Group heading followed by the relevant number of items within that group. Each selection you make in this list will generate the number of results you’ve chosen; in other words if you select the top 5 records and then choose the category breakdown, your results will include the top 5 items from each category selected.

As with many other reports you can choose to view these item results broken down by individual till, and you can select to include deleted items if you’re reviewing historic periods or have recently deleted items. The example below shows the top 10 items from the Draught and Packaged Drink categories with sales of more than 12 items in 2016.

Top Sellers Top 10 12+

This generates the report below. You can see that under the Description column there’s the name of each selected category, followed by the results from within that category. Each item name is shown together with the number of items sold in the period and the sales value.

Top Sellers Report Items

If you choose the Clerk option in the top right hand corner you’ll be presented with some different choices. As mentioned above, the Clerk reports return a line for each staff member who meets the criteria selected, so this will usually be a shorter report. This type of report is most often used to inform incentive schemes – these might be as broad as who takes the most money overall in a month or as narrow as who’s sold the most of a particular item on a promotional night.

As with the item reports you can select the number of results and base those on value or quantity of sales. You can also set minimum and maximum values as with the items report, choose to include deleted items and request a breakdown by till.

Instead of an overall option, alongside the Category and Reporting Group options you have the choice of looking at sales at a Product or Sale Item level. The Category and Reporting Group options provide a simple filter. The Product option allows you to expand each category to select individual products while the Sale Item option further allows those products to be expanded to select particular sale items. As such, if you want to know who’s sold the most of a particular lager, choose the Product report, but if you want to know who sells more Pints but not Half Pints, go for the Sale Item option. All options, regardless of the number of selections, merge sales to provide a single line per clerk.

Another additional option with the Clerk reports is to base the results on the Sales Entered rather than Payments Taken. This will be of use in environments where table service is used and so multiple members of staff are able to add to a table’s bill but only one person can be recorded as taking the payment.

The criteria set below are to display the top 10 clerks who rang in at least £250 worth of pints of Amlets in 2016. The resulting report follows, showing the names of the staff who meet the criteria in descending order of sales value, along with the number of items sold. Note that had the report been by quantity rather than value, positions seven and eight would have been reversed.

Top Sellers Clerks Over 250 Amlets

Top Sellers Clerks Report