There are a number of reports that you can produce about visits by your members. The form to produce these looks like this when you first open it;

At the top you can select the date range for the report. Next, you have a choice of 3 basic report types, each of which has a number of variations;
Visit Breakdown
This is the default report, which will produce a simple list of visits in the selected period. You can choose between All visits, Door entry visits and Table play visits. Where you do not have table play enabled, any spending visit by a member where their membership number is recorded against a till transaction will be classed as a Table Play visit.
Once you’ve selected the visit type you require, just press Generate Report and you’ll see something like this;

Each individual visit is shown, with the Date, Time, Member Name, Membership Number, Card Number and Visit Type. Visits are grouped by member and then shown in date and time order.
Number of Visits
This report also allows you the choice of visit types, but in addition allows you to specify the number of visits each member should have made.

You can choose to report on members who have made more than, less than or exactly n visits. The report looks like this;

This report is a little simpler in that it summarises the number of visits by each member in the period, in descending order of number of visits. Please bear in mind that if you choose the Less than option, your report will include all members who’ve not visited at all.
Visits by Spend

Where expenditure is recorded against members’ records, this report allows you to view which members have spent how much. As with the number of visits report, you can report on members who’ve spent more than, less than or exactly £n. Again, the less than option will introduce all members who’ve spent nothing in the selected period.

The report is very similar to the number of visits report, with all matching members listed together with their total spend, in descending order. If you have the optional Restaurant Booking module, booking customers will be included in this report, but will not have membership or card number information shown.