Membership Count

Count of members held

Member Discount Report
Discounts provided to members via promotions
Member Expenditure Reports
Selection of reports about member spend
Member Visits Reports
Suite of reports about members' visits
Membership Report Generator
Build custom lists of members for renewals, birthdays etc.
Membership Reports
Reports on your membership database

This report displays as soon as you select the relevant menu option.

shows membership count form

Membership Types are listed down the left hand side, and Membership Groups along the top. The number of members corresponding to each Type & Group combination is shown in the relevant cell. There’s then a Total Row and Column, with the overall total number of members in the bottom right-hand corner.

Underneath the table there is a separate count of Active Guest Members, and check-boxes for Valid and Expired members. By default Valid members only are included but you can tick to include Expired and indeed un-tick either to exclude those members. Naturally unticking both options will display just zeroes.