The Average Retail Price Calculation report shows each item sold in the period, with information about how many sales were made at each different sale price.
The columns in this report are as follows:
- Product – this column is broken down into separate categories, then lists the product names in each category alphabetically.
- Sale Item – Each sale item for the product is listed next, with a row for each different sale price that item was sold at in the period.
- Qty Sold – How many of each sale item were sold at each price.
- Sale Price £ – the sale price in question.
- Total Revenue £ – the resultant revenue from multiplying the previous two columns.
There is then a totals row for each sale item, which aggregates the data from each of its rows to provide the overall quantity sold, the total revenue and in the Sale Price £ column, the average retail price in the period that this report derives its name from.