The Promotions Analysis assesses the impact of promotions on profitablility in the stock period. It compares the sales made under each promotion, and their profitablility, with the revenue and hence profit that would have been generated by those sales had they been at full price. Please use the descriptions below and the sample report above to understand this report.
The columns in this report are as follows:
- Promotions Analysis – this column lists the names of all promotions used in the stock period.
- Including Promotions – the next 3 columns show the sales in the period that were achieved under each promotion. They’re broken down as follows;
- Till Sales £ – this is the revenue received under each promotion in the stock period.
- GM £ – this figure gives the gross profit value of the promotion sales, based on actual costs.
- GM% – this third column simply represents the gross margin percentage rather than the absolute amount.
- Excluding Promotions – this section of the report presents the hypothetical returns that the items sold under promotions might have generated had they instead been sold at full price. The columns are the same as the Including Promotions section, but with different origins;
- Till Sales £ – this is the revenue that would have been generated had the same volume of sales been achieved without the promotion. There may well have been sales of the same items in the period outside of the promotions, but these are not shown here.
- GM £ – this figure gives the hypothetical gross profit value of the sales at full value, based on actual costs.
- GM% – this third column simply represents the theoretical gross margin percentage rather than the absolute amount.
- Promotion Impact – this section indicates the difference between the theoretical and actual figures.
- Till Sales £ – this is the amount of revenue sacrificed under each promotion in the stock period.
- GM £ – this figure gives the amount of profit ‘lost’ by using the promotion.
- GM% – this column shows the reduction in the GM percentage from using the promotion