The Sale Item Recipe Report provides detail on the composition of every sale item in the stock family. The columns in the report are as follows;
- Main Product – this column lists each product, grouped by category and then listed alphabetically. Only products included in the stock take are shown.
- Sale Item – each sale item associated with the product is listed, with a line for each ingredient, consisting of the following details;
- Quantity – the amount of each constituent ingredient, including the measurement thereof.
- Product Name – the product that makes up this part of the recipe. The first line of every sale item will be the main product.
- Cost – the cost price associated with the specified quantity of this product.
- Retail Price % Allocation – revenue from a sale item is allocated in proportion to the cost. This figure represents the percentage of the revenue from this sale item’s sales that will be attributed to this product.
- Theory GP % – having calculated the cost of each ingredient in the recipe we can get an overall cost of each sale item, and use that to calculate the gross profit that would be made if it was sold at its default sale price, which is expressed here in percentage terms.